
Ways to Reduce your Waste and Help the Environment

July 31, 2019

We grew up in a landlocked state… Oklahoma. It’s extremely easy to throw away trash and completely forget about it after it leaves the house. Out of sight out of mind, right? Well, towards the end of our Oklahoma living, we really started doing research on exactly what happens to our garbage and how it is impacting our environment. Once we knew we were moving to Grand Cayman, we realized our footprint was going to be extremely important. Why? Because there is literally no where for our trash to go. It gets piled up onto what is affectionately known as “Mount Trashmore” and we are forced to look at it (and smell it) constantly. Even if you’re not moving to a super small island, your environmental impact is still important! If you’ve been looking for ways to reduce your waste, then you’ve come to the right place because we made a FREE easy guide to start your journey.

Why is this important?

Our habits (both good and bad) directly affect our planet.

  • Every year, an estimated 2.2 billion tons of waste is dumped into our oceans.
  • In just 55 years, we have wiped out 90% of the ocean’s predators.
  • Right now, our environmental impact needs 1.5 Earth’s to support it’s population.
  • In the last 200 years, we have added 2.3 trillion tons of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere.

If those facts don’t scare you just a little bit, then we need to talk about priorities. Just because we might not see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I don’t know about you, but when I schedule a nice beach vacation I don’t want it to look like this.

And if that’s not enough to convince you, think of all the marine life that are being harmed by our neglect. While you scroll through some of these pictures, go ahead and put on In the Arms of an Angel by Sarah McLachlan and cry a little bit. It’s fine. We don’t judge here.

Crying yet? Me too. The worst part? It took me 2 seconds to find these pictures. And there were thousands more to choose from. It’s not a problem that occurs once every ten years. This is a daily issue. What can you do? Download our free guide and get started on changing your life and the entire world!

What is in the guide?

In the free guide, we discuss what the 5 R’s are (yes, there are 5 now) and go over how you can easily add these to your normal day-to-day routines and make a huge impact. We briefly talk about why this is so important and how you can make a huge impact by changing just a few things. We also wanted to give you a list of companies that strive for zero-waste or sustainable packaging so you can feel good about where you’re buying your everyday necessities from.

Go ahead and download by submitting the information below. It will automatically be sent to your email upon verification!

Related Articles: Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge, Why We Decided to Move

Do you practice different ways to reduce your waste? If so, comment below and let us know what they are!

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